Archives for Art Today Blog - Page 2
Mars Art Today 1/17/23
Ai Art Today News, Un-Cancelled, New Blog! These daily blogs will be updated during the AND some of it will be re-published via Substack: @ai_art_today was Un-Cancelled! ⏰Friday our Ai…
Why REKT 2022 AI Animation?
The stories behind the art of Mars eve Why? -I have been experimenting with AI animation. I have been participating as a beta tester for a type of ai interpolation…
COMIC GODS | The Surreal Superhero Art of Mars Eve
Creating Alternative Comics since 2007 ?️ Utility: Mars Magic Money 6/6/2022 - custom IRL comic style hand-painted money.* ?Latest NFT Animation: The Ghoster : pre-mint/KnownOrigin Newest Superhero Collection: Panels : Comic…
AVATARLOGY | The Degen Art of Mars Eve
Illustrating the Crypto-Avatar Space Since 2016 ?️ Utility: Mars Magic Money 6/6/2022 - custom IRL avatar hand-painted money.* ?Latest NFT Animation:EVOLVE | Avatarlogy : pre-mint/KnownOrigin Newest Avatar Collection: Comic Gods:Using vintage…
KnownOrigin Genesis Drop
"Cheers Yall" Animated Pop Video NFT Description Hey! I’m so excited to join this community! This Genesis animation is inspired by Known Origin- reminding me of the British pop culture…